ARPA: Business Resiliency & Technical Assistance
Economic Development
Time Status:
Budget Status:
Percent Complete: 0%
Start Date: 03/01/2022
End Date: 11/30/2022
This program will be accomplished in partnership with the Coral Springs Coconut Creek Regional Chamber of Commerce through the continuance of the Business Academy which provides free small business support directly to local businesses. The assistance includes business resiliency tools such as succession planning, cybersecurity and disaster preparedness. Social medias training, leadership development and financial planning are also topics covered by the program. In addition, several platforms will be utilized to provide real-time data to businesses to assist with their retention and growth.
Operating Budget:
Capital Budget: $50,000 (ARPA Funding)
Capital Budget: $50,000 (ARPA Funding)
Closed Out/Completed |
On Target/In Progress |
Behind Schedule/Late |
Discussion Needed
Retreat/Workshop Item |
Delay/Hold |
No Milestone |
Not Defined
Closed Out/Completed |
On Target/In Progress |
Behind Schedule/Late |
Discussion Needed |
Retreat/Workshop Item |
Delay/Hold |
No Milestone |
Not Defined
City of Coral Springs | 9500 West Sample Road, Coral Springs, FL 33065 | 954-344-1000