An Active, Healthy Community
To learn more about the status of each City initiatives, key intended outcomes or performance indicators, click on the item you wish to learn more about below to get additional details.
Key Intended Outcomes Scorecard Report
FY2022 Actual | FY2022 Target | FY2023 Actual | FY2023 Target | FY2024 Actual | FY2024 Target |
20,401 | 12,000 | 47,526 | 12,000 | 111,203 | 12,000 |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
84% | 85% | 80% | 85% |
82% | 85% | 78% | 85% |
Initiatives/Projects & Description
Percent Complete |
Advance City Mobility (previously Establish Bike Lanes)
The City has applied for funding for seven Mobility Advancement Program (MAP, formerly known as Surtax) projects to enhance and rehabilitate our existing transportation and roadway infrastructure and pedestrian network, including Mobility Master Plan, Rehabilitation and Maintenance Projects, Alleyway Restoration, Emergency Traffic Signals, and Bus Shelter Replacements. This initiative will assist in funding the upfront (reimbursable) costs associated with the projects the City has either submitted or executed agreements with the County. Incorporation of bike lanes throughout the City will continue to be an important part of ongoing efforts to encourage and construct various modes of transportation. Throughout the next year, city staff will work to use approximately $600,000 in Mobility Advancement Program funds for bike lane planning to establish a comprehensive plan for adding sidewalks and various types of bike lanes citywide. Additional mobility advancement program funding will be available in subsequent years for design, followed by construction. Staff will also continue to work with the County and State to incorporate bike lanes whenever feasible and appropriate as other roadway improvements come online.
65% |
20% |
Redevelop Kiwanis Park Community Center
The senior citizens of Coral Springs have longed for increased space to add more senior programming opportunities. This initiative expands senior programming and offers new activities and a facility for our seniors. Along with the outdoor activities, a new community center will allow indoor basketball, pickleball, badminton, and other indoor activities.
20% |
Enhance Everglades Strategy
To take advantage of the Everglades, the city plans to research options and develop a long-range strategy to provide our residents and visitors multiple points of interest. In the coming year, staff will assess options for connectivity, partner with key stakeholders, and present a conceptual plan. Part of the long-term Everglades Enhancement Strategy, the Everglades Loop will connect the existing Everglades Conservation Levee Greenway with a multi-use path on the west side of the city. Amenities such as restrooms, shade structures, and bike stations will be incorporated to encourage various forms of exercise along the Everglades Loop.
20% |
Develop a Fitness Park
The installation of fitness elements at Riverside Park will enhance the community’s quality of life through areas of wellness, health, and socialization. The fitness area will offer a unique mix of fitness opportunities, contributing towards the community’s wellness, physical and social health.
100% |
ARPA: Project 324014 Lucas Device Increase
The Emergency Medical Services division currently owns lucas chest compression devices which are first generation and no longer supported for software upgrades. Lucas devices are battery-powered cardiac compression machines utilized when providing CPR to patients in cardiac arrest. Funds are being requested to increase the projects balance for future replacements.
0% |
Continue Cypress Hammocks
The improvement and enhancement of the Cypress Hammocks club house and surrounding park properties will provide the community and visitors an attractive, inviting property for recreation. The amenity and facility improvements will allow staff to better serve the community’s recreation needs through enhanced programming and facility rentals.
99% |
100% |
0% |
AED's in the Park
This initiative will culminate with the installation of emergency alerting and access pedestals in nine (9) parks and city hall. The thirty (30) cabinets will allow allow patrons the ability to call 911 for emergencies, access an AED or Stop the Bleed Kit, and alert responding units to the general area of the emergency. the cabinets will be illuminated with direction signs through the sites to direct people to the closest cabinet. The cabinets will also allow the public to access 911 from the call box feature integrated into the cabinet. The impact this will have on the community is life safety and a sense of safety and security.
0% |
Key Performance Indicators:
Key Performance Indicators:
City of Coral Springs | 9500 West Sample Road, Coral Springs, FL 33065 | 954-344-1000