Ratings of litter collection from major streets (Revised 2019) (Res. & Biz Surveys)
Actual | Target |
86% | 85% |
This KPI measures the perceived cleanliness and effectiveness of litter collection efforts along major streets within a designated area. It assesses the satisfaction levels of residents, visitors, and stakeholders regarding the cleanliness and appearance of streets in terms of litter accumulation. By tracking ratings of litter collection from major streets, the city can assess the effectiveness of litter management strategies, engage the community in cleanliness efforts, and maintain clean, attractive, and welcoming streets for residents and visitors alike. This performance measures is used to track the progress for Goal 3: An Attractive Community. Source: Zencity Community SurveyLegend:
Key Performance Indicators:
On Target |
Caution |
Below Plan
Key Performance Indicators:
Key Performance Indicators:
On Target |
Caution |
Below Plan
Key Performance Indicators:
City of Coral Springs | 9500 West Sample Road, Coral Springs, FL 33065 | 954-344-1000